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Ayurveda is a component of His Holiness’ global agenda of bringing traditional Indian medicine to the forefront of study and innovation. This hospital and, later, college will not only give course knowledge and practical application, but will also serve as a research hub for Ayurvedic medicine.

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The prime objective of the University AYURVEDIC COLLEGE & HOSPITAL is to provide Ayurveda health care facilities to all the sectors of society in Odisha specifically to the socio-economic backward region of the village Godisahi, Arilo, Bidydharpur and Cuttack city.

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-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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Invitation of Article for SSCASRH JOURNAL


Manuscript Preparation

1.1 General Format

The article should not be published / submitted for publication in any other journal , book etc.

Manuscripts should be prepared using standard word processing software (preferably Microsoft Word) and must be 1.5-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides.

Use Times New Roman font, size 12, for the main text.

The Manuscript should be written in good English. It should be checked carefully for the clarity, grammatical and typographical error.

The article may contain 4000-6000 words excluding references. The non text items such as tables, figures should not be more than 8.

The title of the manuscript should be in running sentence, avoid capitalising each word.

The order of the contents will be: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Observation and Result, Discussion, Conclusion, Limitation of the study and future perspective if any, conflict of interest, Acknowledgment and References.

Do not add the author details or institutional details in the main article file.  

1.2 Title Page

The title page should include the following:

Title of the manuscript (concise and informative).

Type of the manuscript: Review/Original Research /Case report/Short communication/Letter to editor

Full names of all authors, along with their affiliations and contact details.

Corresponding author’s name, complete address, telephone number, and email address.

Mention the funding sources or conflict of interest if any.

1.3 Abstract and Keywords

Provide a non-structured abstract for review article and structured abstract for original article not exceeding 250 words, summarizing the background, methods, results, and conclusions of the study.

Avoid use of uncommon or non-standard abbreviations and references

Include 3-5 keywords relevant to the research. Do not add the word already used in title of the Manuscript.

Graphical abstracts are highly appreciated

  1. Manuscript Sections

2.1 Introduction

Clearly state the purpose of the study and provide a brief review of the relevant literature.

Mention the specific research question or hypothesis being addressed.

Subheadings should be avoided in this section.

Avoid extensive literature review and summary of the results.

2.2 Materials and Methods

Describe the study design, sampling procedure, inclusion and exclusion criteria, interventions, and main outcome measures.

Include information on ethical approval and consent if applicable. The approval from the institutional ethical committee and CTRI is required if the study involves human participants. The approval from animal ethical committee is required if the study has been conducted in experimental models.  

Provide the brief information regarding the statistical tests employed for the study.

2.3 Observation and Results

Present findings in a logical sequence, using text, tables, and figures as necessary.

Do not repeat the data in tables and figures.

2.4 Discussion

Discuss the key findings of the study context to existing knowledge.

Discuss how this research has added new information to the existing knowledge.

Avoid extensive citation and repetation.  

Discuss the limitations of the study and suggest areas for future research.

2.5 Conclusion

Summarize the main findings and their implications.

  1. References

List references in the order they appear in the text.

The citation should be added in Arabic numerals with a square bracket around after a punctuation mark.

Provide complete information for each reference, including all authors’ names, title of the article, name of the journal, year of publication, volume number, and page numbers.

The cited articles should be from indexed journals such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science etc.

If the number of references from Samhitas are more than six, then please add the number for the Samhita followed by the chapter and verse number in running text.

Add DOI and URL links for the cited online articles and monographs. 


Dwivedi LD, Dwivedi BK, Paliwal G, editors (1st edition). Charak Samhita of Agnivesh, Chikitsasthana; Grahanichikitsa: Chapter 15, Verse 3-4. Varanasi: Chowkhmabha Sanskrita Series, 2004;  260-66.

For the commentaries in verse

Dwivedi LD, Dwivedi BK, Paliwal G, editors (1st edition). Ayurveda Deepika commentary of Chakrapani on Charak Samhita of Agnivesh, Chikitsasthana; Grahanichikitsam: Chapter 15, Verse 3-4. Varanasi: Chowkhmabha Sanskrita Series, 2004;  260-66.

For the articles up to 6 authors

Singh S, Agrawal NK, Singh G, Gehlot S, Singh SK, Singh R. Clinical Prediction of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) via Anthropometric and Biochemical Variations in Prakriti. Diseases. 2022 Mar 3;10(1):15. doi: 10.3390/diseases10010015. PMID: 35323182; PMCID: PMC8947277.

For the articles having more than six authors:  Rajan S, Munjal Y, Shamkuwar M, Nimabalkar K, Sharma A, Jindal N et al.  Prakriti Analysis of COVID 19 Patients: An Observational Study. Altern Ther Health Med. 2021 Jun;27(S1):12-17. PMID: 33609346.

For the Monographs and other books

Patwardhan K. Human Physiology in Ayurveda. Reprint edition: Varanasi, 2016.

For the chapters in book

Dijk, DJ., Landolt, HP. (2019). Sleep Physiology, Circadian Rhythms, Waking Performance and the Development of Sleep-Wake Therapeutics. In: Landolt, HP., Dijk, DJ. (eds) Sleep-Wake Neurobiology and Pharmacology. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, vol 253. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/164_2019_243

  1. Tables and Figures

Submit tables and figures immediately after the relevant text.

Submit the tables in editable format and not in image.

Each table and figure should have a concise title and a legend if necessary.

Cite tables and figures in the text in numerical order.

  1. Ethical Considerations

Ensure that all research complies with ethical guidelines and that necessary approvals have been obtained.

Include a statement on ethical considerations and conflicts of interest.

  1. Submission Process

Submit manuscripts electronically via the journal’s online submission system – deansscasrh@srisriuniversity.edu.in , dilip.g@srisriuniversity.edu.in , sonam.a@srisriuniversity.edu.in

Ensure that all required fields are completed and all necessary files are uploaded.

An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to the corresponding author after receipt of the article .

  1. Peer Review Process

All manuscripts are subject to double blind peer review by experts in the field. Authors are suggested to not include any information related to their identity in main article file.

Authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts based on reviewers’ comments.

  1. Proofs

Authors will receive proofs for correction before publication.

Corrections should be limited to typographical errors and minor textual changes. No major corrections are allowed in this stage.

  1. Open Access and Copyright

Authors retain copyright but have to grant the journal exclusive rights to publish and distribute the article.

The author has to submit the prescribed copyright form duly signed by all the authors after the acceptance of the article.

10.Article processing charges

For the 1st issue no processing charge will be charged from the authors .

  1. Subscription charges

The subscription charge for the journal will be notified time to time

  1. Authorship criteria

The order of the Authors in copyright form will be considered. No change in the sequence or number of the authors is permissible once the article is published.

Ghost /Gifted authorship should be avoided.

The authorship criteria should be according to ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) Recommendations 2018.

The person having direct role in conceptualisation of the work, data analysis or interpretation, drafting or revising the article, approval of the final version to be submitted, agree to take accountability for the parts of the work done should be included in author list.

The person not meeting the authorship criteria but has contributed to the work through technical assistance, proof reading, general administrative support, acquiring funding should be acknowledged in acknowledgment section.

Type of article: The following contributions such as Original article (Clinical/Experimental), Review articles (Short/Narrative/Systematic and Metanalysis), Short communication, Letter to editor, Case report and Case series etc.

Case report: A case report documents significant scientific observations that are often overlooked or undetected in clinical trials. These observations may include rare or atypical clinical conditions, previously unreported or unrecognized diseases, uncommon therapeutic side effects or treatment responses, and novel applications of imaging modalities or diagnostic tests in disease diagnosis.

It should comprise of title, abstract (limiting to 100-150words) 4-5 keywords, Introduction with brief review of literature, case description (should be in chronological order and should contain current medical condition, relevant  family history, physical examination,  laboratory and diagnostic procedure findings, detailed treatment protocols, differential diagnosis, assessment criteria , follow up, final diagnosis etc.), discussion, conclusion, limitations, if any and references.  The following link can be utilised for seeking guidelines writing the case report:  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29184619/

Original article: The article should be presented in IMRAD format (Introduction, Material & Methods, Results and discussion. The Introduction section should contain what is known and unknown, hypothesis, aim and objectives, how the study is going to fulfil the gap. Do not answer the research question here. The methodology section should include study design, data collection procedure, sample selection, sample size calculation, ethical approvals, assessment criteria and methods, method of allocation of group, posology, raw drug collection and standardisation procedure, method of preparation of medicine, toxicity study etc. Different sections and subsections can be made. The results should be concise and avoid to repeat the same data in text and tables. Discussion should be focussed and interpreted with the previous findings, overstretching and unnecessary inclusion of review of literature should be avoided. In case of randomised controlled clinical trial, the CONSORT statement  and for in vivo studies the ARRIVE guidelines need to be followed. 


Review articles: Review may cover the specific area of the Ayurveda fundamentals or in integration with the contemporary science. It should not be a mere completion of the topic and the authors are expected to provide their scientific inputs with the support of evidences. The methodology section should cover the method of searching, extracting and synthesizing the data.  The non structured abstract should be limited to 150 words and the main text to 7000 words with maximum 6 non text items.

Contact Information – deansscasrh@srisriuniversity.edu.in



These guidelines are intended to ensure clarity, coherence, and scientific rigor in the submission and publication process for the Journal . Adherence to these guidelines and look forward to  valuable contributions is appreciated .

Privilege to the authors – The authors will get hard copy of the journal in the corresponding address communicated by them . E-certificate of publication  will be sent through e-mail .