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Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, is known for its holistic approach to health and wellness. According to Ayurveda, the eyes are the windows to the soul, and taking care of them is an essential part of maintaining good health. The eyes are one of the most delicate organs in the body, and they are susceptible to various diseases and conditions, including stress-related eye problems. Unfortunately, there are no remedial measures for the prevention and cure in the domain of modern medicine, except for using ocular surface lubricants, computer glasses, etc.

Ayurveda, the pioneer of systematic healthcare on Earth, continually adapts to address emerging and unprecedented health concerns on a fundamental level. In today’s world, where working from home dominates our lives, we subject our eyes to relentless strain. This makes it crucial to seek remedies that not only soothe and relax our eyes but also ease our minds. Given the immense technological and mental stress we experience daily, eye care has become more essential than ever. From shopping and bill payments to office tasks, social interactions, and entertainment, the computer screen remains an ever-present companion. Just imagine the harm this extended exposure can inflict on one of the most vital organs in our body.

Ideally, you should cut down on screen time to provide your eyes with some well-deserved rest. However, let’s face it, we don’t live in a perfect world. That’s why it’s essential to embrace restorative strategies according to a comprehensive health approach.

  • 1. While binge - watching your favourite shows or working tirelessly on your mobile or computer, you may not realise that you're blinking less. Blinking is essential as it triggers tear secretion from your tear glands, keeping your eyes hydrated. With infrequent blinking, your eyes produce fewer tears, leading to uncomfortable dryness.

    To combat this, make an effort to blink more often – it's a simple and effective solution. Additionally, explore ways to keep your cornea moist. There are several herbs known for their hydrating properties, such as Amla, Yashti, Lodhra, and Ushira. Incorporate these herbs into a soothing eyewash and use it at least three times a day to keep your eyes feeling refreshed and healthy.

  • 2. Insufficient tear fluid can lead to significant issues, as mentioned earlier. This causes the cells on the outer surface of your eye (cornea) to become rough and dry, increasing the risk of infections. Over time, this can result in damage to these delicate cells. To counteract this problem, consider using Ayurvedic herbs known for their healing effects on eye tissues, particularly the cornea. Doorva and Yasti are two such herbs with these beneficial properties. Look for preparations like kashaya and ghrita, and always follow the advice of a qualified Ayurveda Physician when incorporating these into your eye care routine.

  • 3. The screens of visual devices emit a bright glow, making your eyes highly sensitive to intense light. Prolonged exposure to these radiant screens raises the risk of corneal degeneration, primarily due to an imbalance in pitta. To combat this, opt for remedies that help regulate pitta levels. Rinsing your eyes with water infused with flowers like lotus and jasmine can also work wonders.

  • 4. When working on a computer or mobile device, it is common to position oneself too close to the screen, thereby reducing the opportunity to focus on objects at a distance. This habit may cause the eye muscles and structures to adapt to continuous near focus, potentially leading to myopia or short-sightedness, especially in children. To achieve optimal results, consider receiving a head massage with suitable oil, as recommended by an experienced Ayurveda doctor, and perform scientifically endorsed eye exercises to enhance the flexibility of your eyeballs.

  • 5. Working online often involves spending prolonged periods in front of an illuminated screen. This exposes the eyes to light rays from a close source, which are focused directly on the retina – the most sensitive part of the eye. Over time, this can lead to the retina becoming hypersensitive to light, potentially causing it to thin and dry out.

    According to Ayurvedic theory, the functioning factor on the retina responsible for the development of the visual sense is known as alochaka pitta, a fraction of pitta out of five. To strengthen the retina, internal medicines and external treatment procedures such as Shirodhara and Netra Tarpana are recommended.

  • 6. Inside your eyeball, there's a fascinating fluid system: the aqueous and vitreous humours. Continual exposure to light rays from glowing screens can disrupt this delicate balance, altering the concentration, density, and refractive index of these fluids. In some cases, the vitreous humour may even thin out, causing eye floaters – those pesky dots, webs, or fibres that seem to drift across your vision.

    A holistic Ayurvedic approach can help restore harmony to your eyes, with internal medicines like Ghrita, medicated with jeevantyadi, vidari, and draksha, providing excellent support for your visual wellbeing.

In summary, Ayurvedic eye care offers an effective approach to managing stress and maintaining healthy eyes. By incorporating eye exercises, utilising natural eye drops and ensuring adequate sleep you can preserve your eyes’ health and prevent an array of eye-related issues. If you encounter any persistent eye difficulties, seeking professional advice is highly recommended.




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