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The Operation Theatre is situated in the D Block of the Hospital and is maintained by Dr. Rajesh Maharatha under the department of Shalya Tantra which is also known as General Surgery department of Ayurveda. Surgeries like: Ksara Shutra for Fistula, Fissure, etc are done within the Operation theatre with proper sanitization and sterilization.

Dr. Rajesh Maharatha

Shalya Consultant (MS, Ayu)

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Let's check if you can develop diseases

“We have to provide compassionately accessible, cost-effective, and qualitative health care to promote individuals’ dynamic health and cure disease with satisfaction.”

A disease-free children’s community has the potential for health, spirituality, and satisfaction with a smile.

  1. Quality management to improve effective treatments as described in the Ayurvedic classics with proper analysis.
  2. Raise awareness among the suffering community to ensure the Ayurvedic way of life concerning the economic growth of individuals.
  3. Standardization of treatment principles for children with global acceptance.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

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