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Registration Criteria:
  • You must be a

    Faculty / Consultant / PhD / PG Scholar
    Practitioner / Medical Officer / Internees
    BAMS Professionals
    BAMS Students of 1st Prof BAMS

Unique Highlights:
  • A deeper understanding of basic fundamentals like Dosha, Dhatu, Mala and their assessment in different physiological and pathological conditions.

  • Role, importance, and contribution of Sutra Sthana while performing Samhita-based clinical practice w.s.r to Astanga Hridaya by Vagbhata.

  • Workshop on “Autism disease and its management” through case discussion and live demonstration.

  • Special interactions with Vaidya(s), practitioners and students at the end of every session.

Registration & Accomodation without Food - Hi- Tea included for 2 days.
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